The Best Winter Activities for Kids

If your kids are anything like ours, they come with this unlimited supply of energy. During the winter when days are shorter, darker and colder it can be really hard to find creative ways to burn through said energy. In an effort to get them off of digital devices we put together a list of the best winter activities for kids. 

Here are the best winter activities for kids.

Do you want to build a snowman?

Do you live in an area that gets a ton of snow during the winter months? If you do there are so many fun activities you can do with the kids. Take the family snowshoeing, learn how to ski or snowboard, take a walk and see how many different animal tracks you can spot. Our personal favorite, grab your sand buckets from those summer beach trips and help the kids build their very own snow fort. This takes precision and work, it’ll burn through energy and they’ll have to work through problem solving so that the walls don’t fall down. 

Maybe you’re in the southern part of the country, so you don’t see much snow, like ever. There’s still lots of options for you. Getting out on a hiking trail is a great way to spend some quality time away from your digital devices. 

Mission impossible

An oldie but a goodie. Recently we covered our top 5 at-home activities for active kids and the mission impossible obstacle course was a fan favorite. This game works on your child’s strategy skills. Using yarn or crepe paper and strips of painters tape create a mission impossible style obstacle course in a hallway or other narrow corridor. Then have your kids work their way through without disturbing any of the yarn. Up the ante by timing them, kids will have a blast and ask you to retime them again and again. 

Concentrate by getting crafty

Crafts are a great way to work on concentration skills, usually kids don’t even realize it’s happening. Determination to complete a task takes over and before you know it the house has gone silent. The key is to find crafts your kids can get on board with. Do you have a couple of animal lovers in the house? Create edible garland for our feathered friends. Using fishing line or thread string plain popcorn and rice cereal then hang it in trees, along your patio cover, on the porch, anywhere you can think of. 

Maybe you’ve got a couple of top chefs or adventurers in the house. Using a nut butter of your choice and pretzel sticks have your kids build the log cabin of their dreams. Decorate it with pantry staples, think things like leftover marshmallows, dried fruit, or coconut flakes.  

Kids in the Kitchen

Get kids off their devices and into the kitchen. Cooking with your kids doesn’t have to be a huge undertaking. If you’re really on the fence about this then start small. Think snack mixes, or even a simple Healthy Heights shake made in one of our fun shaker bottles

When you’re ready to kick it up why not try homemade pizzas, many grocery stores sell premade dough and what kid wouldn’t love making their very own pizza? Increase pizza’s nutritional profile with this sauce, originally made for spaghetti night, it’s just as delicious as a pizza sauce. 

While a good amount of us are waiting for those warmer days to return there are still so many great winter activities you and your family can take advantage of. Be sure to let us know what kinds of activities you and your family are participating in this winter!