What is a Growth Spurt?

Defining and Understanding Growth Spurts

A growth spurt in children is a rapid and noticeable increase in the physical size of the body, characterized by faster rates of growth in height and weight compared to other developmental stages.

Signs of Growth Spurts

Parents and caregivers might notice signs suggesting a child is undergoing a growth spurt:

  • Increased appetite to meet the body's demand for more nutrients.
  • Leg aches, often termed "growing pains," which could relate to increased physical activity rather than growth itself.
  • Behavioral changes, including fussiness and sleep disturbances, potentially associated with developmental milestones.

Growth Spurts Throughout Childhood

  • Newborns often shed a little weight after birth but typically rebound within two weeks.
  • From 1-6 months, infants rapidly grow, doubling their birth weight by around 4-6 months.
  • Between 6-12 months, the growth rate slows compared to the first half-year.
  • Toddlers aged 1-2 years may have a plateau in growth and appetite.
  • 2-10 years old marks a period of steady growth with about a 5-pound weight gain each year until puberty.
  • During puberty, girls usually start and finish their growth spurts before boys. Boys can grow up to 4 inches per year, while girls may grow up to 3 inches, with growth ceasing around age 20.

Factors Influencing Growth Spurts

  • Genetics: Parental heights are strong indicators of a child's potential adult height.
  • Nutrition: Adequate nutrition is critical, particularly during rapid growth periods.
  • Exercise: Regular activity supports healthy growth and development.
  • Sleep: Essential for growth, as the hormone responsible for growth is mainly secreted during sleep.

Nutritional Needs During Growth Spurts

The caloric intake required is higher for infants relative to their size and peaks again during puberty.

Variations in Growth by Body Tissue

  • Brain Growth: Most rapid during the initial five years.
  • Reproductive Organs: Growth accelerates during puberty.
  • Teeth Development: Usually completes by the end of puberty.

Focusing on Height During Growth Spurts

These periods are crucial for significant increases in height and understanding them is key to supporting a child's development.

Recognizing Signs of Height Increases

  • A sudden increase in height.
  • Quickly outgrowing clothes, particularly in length.
  • Changes in motor skills as the child's coordination adapts to their new height.

Expectations for Height Growth

  • Newborns show considerable weight and length increase after the initial post-birth adjustment.
  • From 1-6 months, infants typically grow about an inch per month.
  • Between 6-12 months, the height growth rate moderates but remains steady.
  • From 1-2 years old, height growth continues at a variable pace.
  • Children aged 2-10 years old generally see consistent height increases of around 2.5 inches per year.
  • During puberty, the annual height increase is the most significant.

Dynamics of Height Growth

  • Infancy and Early Childhood: Marked by rapid height and weight growth.
  • Pre-Puberty: Steady height increases prelude the upcoming growth spurt.
  • Pubertal Growth Spurts: Girls often begin around ages 10-11, while boys start around ages 11-12, with the potential for several inches of growth within a year.

Influencing Factors for Height

  • Genetics: A key determinant of a child's adult height.
  • Nutrition: Especially the intake of bone-health nutrients like calcium and vitamin D.
  • Exercise: Supports growth through activities that bolster strength and flexibility.
  • Sleep: Integral for growth hormone secretion and overall development.

Monitoring Growth

It's recommended to chart a child's growth regularly, monthly up to age 1, and semi-annually thereafter, to track their development accurately.


  • Stettler, N., Bhatia, J., Parish, A., & Stallings, V. A. (2011). In Kliegman, R. M., Behrman, R. E., Jenson, H. B., & Stanton, B. F. (Eds.), Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics (19th ed., chap 42). Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier.

Parents concerned about their child's growth should consult a pediatrician for professional advice.